Vu+ Duo 4K

Heh, finally got it.

Some AliExpress stuff



Reinstalled blog

I’ve pretty much reinstalled the blog and will be adding old posts back in the next few months, years or never…



Toriko Bluray

I’ve ordered this Toriko Bluray somewhere around July, 2011, the price was ¥4,960 (about €50.-)

Image 1 – Image 2 – Image 3

If you want to buy them from me, don’t hesitate to contact me 🙂

State: fairly new, only used it twice, once to rip (personal copy) and once to watch on my […]


Reason why I’ve changed to wordpress is because I don’t wanna upload a new .html or .php file for EVERY change I make, so a blog is best-suited for that.